A Concordance to Beowulf
Scholars Online Educational Resources
ic: 38: ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan
ic: 62: hyrde ic þæt wæs Onelan cwen,
ic: 74: ða ic wide gefrægn weorc gebannan
ic: 247: maga gemedu. Næfre ic maran geseah
ic: 251: ænlic ansyn. Nu ic eower sceal
ic: 272: wesan, þæs ic wene. þu wast gif hit is
ic: 274: þæt mid Scyldingum sceaðona ic nat hwylc,
Ic: 277: hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg
Ic: 290: Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod
ic: 292: wæpen ond gewædu; ic eow wisige.
ic: 293: Swylce ic maguþegnas mine hate
Ic: 318: siða gesunde. Ic to sæ wille
Ic: 335: heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares
ic: 336: ar ond ombiht. Ne seah ic elþeodige
ic: 338: Wen ic þæt ge for wlenco, nalles for wræcsiðum,
ic: 344: Wille ic asecgan sunu Healfdenes,
Ic: 350: wig ond wisdom: Ic þæs wine Deniga,
Ic: 372: Ic hine cuðe cnihtwesende.
ic: 383: to Westdenum, þæs ic wen hæbbe,
Ic: 384: wið Grendles gryre. Ic þæm godan sceal
Ic: 407: Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal. Ic eom Higelaces
ic: 408: mæg ond magoðegn; hæbbe ic mærða fela
ic: 417: þeoden Hroðgar, þæt ic þe sohte,
ic: 419: selfe ofersawon, ða ic of searwum cwom,
ic: 420: fah from feondum. þær ic fife geband,
Ic: 426: ðing wið þyrse. Ic þe nu ða,
ic: 430: freowine folca, nu ic þus feorran com,
ic: 431: þæt ic mote ana ond minra eorla gedryht,
ic: 433: Hæbbe ic eac geahsod þæt se æglæca
Ic: 435: Ic þæt þonne forhicge swa me Higelac sie,
ic: 437: þæt ic sweord bere oþðe sidne scyld,
ic: 438: geolorand to guþe, ac ic mid grape sceal
ic: 442: Wen ic þæt he wille, gif he wealdan mot,
ic: 465: ða ic furþum weold folce Deniga
ic: 469: bearn Healfdenes; se wæs betera ðonne ic.
ic: 471: sende ic Wylfingum ofer wæteres hrycg
ic: 487: heall heorudreore; ahte ic holdra þy læs,
ic: 525: ðonne wene ic to þe wyrsan geþingea,
ic: 532: sægdest from his siðe. Soð ic talige,
ic: 533: þæt ic merestrengo maran ahte,
ic: 543: hraþor on holme; no ic fram him wolde.
ic: 556: þæt ic aglæcan orde geræhte,
Ic: 560: þreatedon þearle. Ic him þenode
ic: 571: þæt ic sænæssas geseon mihte,
ic: 574: Hwæþere me gesælde þæt ic mid sweorde ofsloh
ic: 575: niceras nigene. No ic on niht gefrægn
ic: 578: hwaþere ic fara feng feore gedigde,
ic: 581: wadu weallendu. No ic wiht fram þe
ic: 586: fagum sweordum no ic þæs fela gylpe,
ic: 590: Secge ic þe to soðe, sunu Ecglafes,
ic: 601: to Gardenum. Ac ic him Geata sceal
ic: 632: Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,
Ic: 632: Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,
ic: 634: þæt ic anunga eowra leoda
Ic: 636: feondgrapum fæst. Ic gefremman sceal
ic: 655: Næfre ic ænegum men ær alyfde,
ic: 656: siþðan ic hond ond rond hebban mihte,
ic: 677: No ic me an herewæsmun hnagran talige,
ic: 679: forþan ic hine sweorde swebban nelle,
ic: 680: aldre beneotan, þeah ic eal mæge.
ic: 929: lungre gelimpe. Fela ic laþes gebad,
ic: 932: ðæt wæs ungeara þæt ic ænigra me
ic: 946: bearngebyrdo. Nu ic, Beowulf, þec,
ic: 950: worolde wilna, þe ic geweald hæbbe.
ic: 951: Ful oft ic for læssan lean teohhode,
ic: 960: eafoð uncuþes. Uþe ic swiþor
Ic: 963: Ic hine hrædlice heardan clammum
Ic: 967: Ic hine ne mihte, þa metod nolde,
ic: 968: ganges getwæman, no ic him þæs georne ætfealh,
ic: 1011: Ne gefrægen ic þa mægþe maran weorode
ic: 1027: Ne gefrægn ic freondlicor feower madmas
Ic: 1180: metodsceaft seon. Ic minne can
ic: 1184: wene ic þæt he mid gode gyldan wille
ic: 1196: þara þe ic on foldan gefrægen hæbbe.
ic: 1197: Nænigne ic under swegle selran hyrde
ic: 1220: lara liðe; ic þe þæs lean geman.
Ic: 1225: æþeling, eadig. Ic þe an tela
ic: 1231: druncne dryhtguman doð swa ic bidde.
ic: 1331: wælgæst wæfre; ic ne wat hwæder
Ic: 1345: Ic þæt londbuend, leode mine,
Ic: 1380: Ic þe þa fæhðe feo leanige,
ic: 1381: ealdgestreonum, swa ic ær dyde,
Ic: 1392: Ic hit þe gehate, no he on helm losaþ,
ic: 1396: weana gehwylces, swa ic þe wene to."
ic: 1475: snottra fengel, nu ic eom siðes fus,
ic: 1477: gif ic æt þearfe þinre scolde
ic: 1486: þæt ic gumcystum godne funde
ic: 1490: heardecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge
Ic: 1655: Ic þæt unsofte ealdre gedigde
ic: 1659: Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge
ic: 1662: þæt ic on wage geseah wlitig hangian
ic: 1664: winigea leasum), þæt ic ðy wæpne gebræd.
Ic: 1668: hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan
Ic: 1671: Ic hit þe þonne gehate, þæt þu on Heorote most
Ic: 1706: mægen mid modes snyttrum. Ic þe sceal mine gelæstan
ic: 1723: gumcyste ongit; ic þis gid be þe
ic: 1769: Swa ic Hringdena hund missera
ic: 1772: æscum ond ecgum, þæt ic me ænigne
ic: 1777: ic þære socne singales wæg
ic: 1779: ecean dryhtne, þæs ðe ic on aldre gebad
ic: 1780: þæt ic on þone hafelan heorodreorigne
ic: 1822: Gif ic þonne on eorþan owihte mæg
ic: 1824: gumena dryhten, ðonne ic gyt dyde,
ic: 1825: guðgeweorca, ic beo gearo sona.
ic: 1826: Gif ic þæt gefricge ofer floda begang,
ic: 1829: ic ðe þusenda þegna bringe,
Ic: 1830: hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelac wat,
ic: 1833: wordum ond worcum, þæt ic þe wel herige
ic: 1842: on sefan sende; ne hyrde ic snotorlicor
ic: 1845: wis wordcwida. Wen ic talige,
ic: 1859: wesan, þenden ic wealde widan rices,
Ic: 1863: lac ond luftacen. Ic þa leode wat
Ic: 1992: mærum ðeodne? Ic ðæs modceare
ic: 1994: leofes mannes; ic ðe lange bæd
ic: 1997: guðe wið Grendel. Gode ic þanc secge
ic: 1998: þæs ðe ic ðe gesundne geseon moste."
Ic: 2005: yrmðe to aldre. Ic ðæt eall gewræc,
Ic: 2009: facne bifongen. Ic ðær furðum cwom
ic: 2014: Weorod wæs on wynne; ne seah ic widan feorh
ic: 2022: þa ic Freaware fletsittende
ic: 2067: þy ic Heaðobeardna hyldo ne telge,
Ic: 2069: freondscipe fæstne. Ic sceal forð sprecan
ic: 2092: syððan ic on yrre uppriht astod.
ic: 2093: To lang ys to reccenne hu ic ðam leodsceaðan
ic: 2095: þær ic, þeoden min, þine leode
ic: 2132: healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring
Ic: 2135: Ic ða ðæs wælmes, þe is wide cuð,
ic: 2138: holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
ic: 2141: feorh oðferede. Næs ic fæge þa gyt,
ic: 2145: Nealles ic ðam leanum forloren hæfde,
ic: 2148: ða ic ðe, beorncyning, bringan wylle,
ic: 2150: lissa gelong; ic lyt hafo
ic: 2157: þæt ic his ærest ðe est gesægde;
ic: 2163: Hyrde ic þæt þam frætwum feower mearas
ic: 2172: Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
Ic: 2252: gesawon seledream. Ic nah hwa sweord wege
ic: 2426: "Fela ic on giogoðe guðræsa genæs,
ic: 2427: orleghwila; ic þæt eall gemon.
Ic: 2428: Ic wæs syfanwintre, þa mec sinca baldor,
ic: 2432: Næs ic him to life laðra owihte,
ic: 2484: þa ic on morgne gefrægn mæg oðerne
Ic: 2490: Ic him þa maðmas, þe he me sealde,
ic: 2497: Symle ic him on feðan beforan wolde,
ic: 2501: Syððan ic for dugeðum Dæghrefne wearð
Ic: 2511: niehstan siðe: "Ic geneðde fela
ic: 2512: guða on geogoðe; gyt ic wylle,
ic: 2518: swæse gesiðas: "Nolde ic sweord beran,
ic: 2519: wæpen to wyrme, gif ic wiste hu
ic: 2521: gylpe wiðgripan, swa ic gio wið Grendle dyde.
ic: 2522: Ac ic ðær heaðufyres hates wene,
ic: 2523: oreðes ond attres; forðon ic me on hafu
ic: 2524: bord ond byrnan. Nelle ic beorges weard
Ic: 2527: metod manna gehwæs. Ic eom on mode from
ic: 2528: þæt ic wið þone guðflogan gylp ofersitte.
Ic: 2535: eorlscype efne. Ic mid elne sceall
Ic: 2633: "Ic ðæt mæl geman, þær we medu þegun,
Ic: 2656: Wedra ðeodnes. Ic wat geare
ic: 2668: feorh ealgian; ic ðe fullæstu."
ic: 2694: ða ic æt þearfe gefrægn þeodcyninges
ic: 2729: "Nu ic suna minum syllan wolde
Ic: 2732: lice gelenge. Ic ðas leode heold
Ic: 2736: egesan ðeon. Ic on earde bad
Ic: 2739: aða on unriht. Ic ðæs ealles mæg
ic: 2747: Bio nu on ofoste, þæt ic ærwelan,
ic: 2749: swegle searogimmas, þæt ic ðy seft mæge
ic: 2751: lif ond leodscipe, þone ic longe heold."
ic: 2752: ða ic snude gefrægn sunu Wihstanes
ic: 2773: ða ic on hlæwe gefrægn hord reafian,
Ic: 2794: "Ic ðara frætwa frean ealles ðanc,
ic: 2796: ecum dryhtne, þe ic her on starie,
ic: 2797: þæs ðe ic moste minum leodum
ic: 2799: Nu ic on maðma hord mine bebohte
ic: 2801: leoda þearfe; ne mæg ic her leng wesan.
ic: 2816: eorlas on elne; ic him æfter sceal."
Ic: 2877: Ic him lifwraðe lytle meahte
ic: 2880: symle wæs þy sæmra, þonne ic sweorde drep
ic: 2922: Ne ic to Sweoðeode sibbe oððe treowe
ic: 3000: wælnið wera, ðæs ðe ic wen hafo,
Ic: 3087: Ic wæs þær inne ond þæt eall geondseh,
Ic: 3090: inn under eorðweall. Ic on ofoste gefeng
ic: 3103: wundur under wealle; ic eow wisige,
icge: 1107: Ad wæs geæfned ond icge gold
idel: 145: ana wið eallum, oðþæt idel stod
idel: 413: idel ond unnyt, siððan æfenleoht
idel: 2888: idel hweorfan, syððan æðelingas
idelhende: 2081: No ðy ær ut ða gen idelhende
ides: 620: Ymbeode þa ides Helminga
ides: 1075: gare wunde. þæt wæs geomuru ides.
Ides: 1117: eame on eaxle. Ides gnornode,
ides: 1168: arfæst æt ecga gelacum. Spræc ða ides Scyldinga:
ides: 1259: ides, aglæcwif, yrmþe gemunde,
idese: 1351: idese onlicnæs; oðer earmsceapen
idese: 1649: egeslic for eorlum ond þære idese mid,
idese: 1941: idese to efnanne, þeah ðe hio ænlicu sy,
in: 1: Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum,
in: 13: geong in geardum, þone god sende
in: 19: Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.
in: 25: in mægþa gehwære man geþeon.
in: 60: in worold wocun, weoroda ræswan,
in: 87: þrage geþolode, se þe in þystrum bad,
in: 89: hludne in healle; þær wæs hearpan sweg,
in: 107: in Caines cynne. þone cwealm gewræc
in: 180: in modsefan, metod hie ne cuþon,
in: 185: in fyres fæþm, frofre ne wenan,
in: 323: song in searwum, þa hie to sele furðum
in: 324: in hyra gryregeatwum gangan cwomon.
in: 386: Beo ðu on ofeste, hat in gan
in: 395: Nu ge moton gangan in eowrum guðgeatawum
in: 443: in þæm guðsele Geotena leode
in: 482: þæt hie in beorsele bidan woldon
in: 588: heafodmægum; þæs þu in helle scealt
in: 695: in þæm winsele wældeað fornam,
in: 713: sumne besyrwan in sele þam hean.
in: 728: Geseah he in recede rinca manige,
in: 851: in fenfreoðo feorh alegde,
in: 1029: in ealobence oðrum gesellan.
in: 1037: in under eoderas. þara anum stod
in: 1070: in Freswæle feallan scolde.
in: 1134: gear in geardas, swa nu gyt deð,
in: 1151: forhabban in hreþre. ða wæs heal roden
in: 1210: Gehwearf þa in Francna fæþm feorh cyninges,
in: 1300: ac wæs oþer in ær geteohhod
in: 1302: Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
in: 1304: geworden in wicun. Ne wæs þæt gewrixle til,
in: 1371: aldor on ofre, ær he in wille
in: 1502: atolan clommum. No þy ær in gescod
in: 1513: þæt he in niðsele nathwylcum wæs,
in: 1612: Ne nom he in þæm wicum, Wedergeata leod,
in: 1644: ða com in gan ealdor ðegna,
in: 1926: heah in healle, Hygd swiðe geong,
in: 1952: in gumstole, gode, mære,
in: 1968: bonan Ongenþeoes burgum in innan,
in: 1984: sinne geseldan in sele þam hean
in: 2139: in ðam guðsele Grendeles modor
in: 2152: Het ða in beran eaforheafodsegn,
in: 2190: Het ða eorla hleo in gefetian,
in: 2232: in ðam eorðhuse ærgestreona,
in: 2383: þara ðe in Swiorice sinc brytnade,
in: 2433: beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc,
in: 2452: to gebidanne burgum in innan
in: 2458: hæleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan sweg,
in: 2459: gomen in geardum, swylce ðær iu wæron.
in: 2495: oððe in Swiorice secean þurfe
in: 2505: ac in compe gecrong cumbles hyrde,
in: 2552: stearcheort styrmde; stefn in becom
in: 2599: ealdre burgan. Hiora in anum weoll
in: 2635: in biorsele, ðe us ðas beagas geaf,
in: 2786: in ðam wongstede Wedra þeoden
in: 2935: in Hrefnesholt hlafordlease.
in: 2981: folces hyrde, wæs in feorh dropen.
in: 3097: in bælstede beorh þone hean,
inc: 510: aldrum neþdon? Ne inc ænig mon,
incer: 584: æt heaðolace, ne gehwæþer incer,
incgelafe: 2577: incgelafe, þæt sio ecg gewac
infrod: 2449: eald ond infrod, ænige gefremman.
infrodum: 1874: ealdum infrodum, oþres swiðor,
ingang: 1549: wið ord ond wið ecge ingang forstod.
Ingelde: 2064: aðsweord eorla; syððan Ingelde
ingenga: 1776: ealdgewinna, ingenga min;
ingesteald: 1155: eal ingesteald eorðcyninges,
Ingwina: 1044: eodor Ingwina onweald geteah,
Ingwina: 1319: frean Ingwina, frægn gif him wære
inn: 3090: inn under eorðweall. Ic on ofoste gefeng
innan: 71: ond þær on innan eall gedælan
innan: 774: innan ond utan irenbendum
innan: 1017: Hroðgar ond Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs
innan: 1740: oðþæt him on innan oferhygda dæl
innan: 1968: bonan Ongenþeoes burgum in innan,
innan: 2089: He mec þær on innan unsynnigne,
innan: 2214: eldum uncuð. þær on innan giong
innan: 2244: þær on innan bær eorlgestreona
innan: 2331: bitre gebulge. Breost innan weoll
innan: 2412: yðgewinne; se wæs innan full
innan: 2452: to gebidanne burgum in innan
innan: 2715: attor on innan. ða se æðeling giong
innan: 2719: ece eorðreced innan healde.
innanweard: 991: ða wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard
innanweard: 1976: feðegestum flet innanweard.
inne: 118: Fand þa ðær inne æþelinga gedriht
inne: 390: [] word inne abead:
inne: 642: þa wæs eft swa ær inne on healle
inne: 1141: þæt he Eotena bearn inne gemunde.
inne: 1281: edhwyrft eorlum, siþðan inne fealh
inne: 1570: Lixte se leoma, leoht inne stod,
inne: 1617: ættren ellorgæst se þær inne swealt.
inne: 1800: geap ond goldfah; gæst inne swæf
inne: 1866: ða git him eorla hleo inne gesealde,
inne: 2113: hildestrengo; hreðer inne weoll,
inne: 2115: Swa we þær inne ondlangne dæg
inne: 2225: ærnes þearfa, ond ðær inne fealh,
inne: 3059: þam ðe unrihte inne gehydde
inne: 3087: Ic wæs þær inne ond þæt eall geondseh,
inneweard: 998: eal inneweard irenbendum fæst,
inwidsorge: 831: inwidsorge, þe hie ær drugon
inwitfeng: 1447: eorres inwitfeng, aldre gesceþðan;
inwitgæst: 2670: atol inwitgæst, oðre siðe
inwithrof: 3123: eode eahta sum under inwithrof
inwitnet: 2167: nealles inwitnet oðrum bregdon
inwitniða: 1947: inwitniða, syððan ærest wearð
inwitniþas: 1858: inwitniþas, þe hie ær drugon,
inwitscear: 2478: eatolne inwitscear oft gefremedon.
inwitsearo: 1101: ne þurh inwitsearo æfre gemænden
inwitsorh: 1736: adl ne yldo, ne him inwitsorh
inwitþancum: 749: inwitþancum ond wið earm gesæt.
Iofore: 2993: Iofore ond Wulfe mid ofermaðmum,
Iofore: 2997: ond ða Iofore forgeaf angan dohtor,
iogoþe: 1674: duguðe ond iogoþe, þæt þu him ondrædan ne þearft,
iomeowlan: 2931: gomela iomeowlan golde berofene,
iren: 892: dryhtlic iren; draca morðre swealt.
iren: 989: iren ærgod, þæt ðæs ahlæcan
iren: 1459: ecg wæs iren, atertanum fah,
iren: 1809: leoflic iren; sægde him þæs leanes þanc,
iren: 1848: adl oþðe iren ealdor ðinne,
iren: 2050: dyre iren, þær hyne Dene slogon,
iren: 2586: iren ærgod. Ne wæs þæt eðe sið,
iren: 2778: (ecg wæs iren) ealdhlafordes
irena: 673: irena cyst, ombihtþegne,
irena: 1697: irena cyst, ærest wære,
irena: 2259: ofer borda gebræc bite irena,
irenbendum: 774: innan ond utan irenbendum
irenbendum: 998: eal inneweard irenbendum fæst,
irenbyrnan: 2986: nam on Ongenðio irenbyrnan,
irenheard: 1112: eofer irenheard, æþeling manig
irenna: 802: ænig ofer eorþan irenna cyst,
irenna: 2683: þæt him irenna ecge mihton
irenna: 2828: ac hine irenna ecga fornamon,
irenþreat: 330: æscholt ufan græg; wæs se irenþreat
is: 248: eorla ofer eorþan ðonne is eower sum,
is: 256: anfealdne geþoht: Ofost is selest
is: 272: wesan, þæs ic wene. þu wast gif hit is
is: 290: Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod
is: 316: Mæl is me to feran; fæder alwalda
is: 343: beodgeneatas; Beowulf is min nama.
is: 375: angan dohtor; is his eafora nu
is: 454: hrægla selest; þæt is Hrædlan laf,
is: 473: Sorh is me to secganne on sefan minum
Is: 476: færniða gefremed. Is min fletwerod,
is: 700: selfes mihtum. Soð is gecyþed
is: 1176: hererinc habban. Heorot is gefælsod,
is: 1228: Her is æghwylc eorl oþrum getrywe,
is: 1322: Ne frin þu æfter sælum. Sorh is geniwod
is: 1323: Denigea leodum. Dead is æschere,
is: 1376: roderas reotað. Nu is se ræd gelang
is: 1611: sæla ond mæla; þæt is soð metod.
is: 1703: geboren betera! Blæd is aræred
is: 1724: awræc wintrum frod. Wundor is to secganne
is: 1761: mære cempa. Nu is þines mægnes blæd
is: 2000: "þæt is undyrne, dryhten Higelac,
is: 2024: hæleðum sealde. Sio gehaten is,
is: 2135: Ic ða ðæs wælmes, þe is wide cuð,
is: 2149: estum geywan. Gen is eall æt ðe
is: 2646: dæda dollicra. Nu is se dæg cumen
is: 2651: þæt me is micle leofre þæt minne lichaman
is: 2900: "Nu is wilgeofa Wedra leoda,
is: 3007: eorlscipe efnde. Nu is ofost betost
is: 3011: meltan mid þam modigan, ac þær is maðma hord,
is: 3056: (he is manna gehyld) hord openian,
is: 3078: wræc adreogan, swa us geworden is.
ise: 1608: þæt hit eal gemealt ise gelicost,
isernbyrnan: 671: ða he him of dyde isernbyrnan,
isernscure: 3116: þone ðe oft gebad isernscure,
isgebinde: 1133: isgebinde, oþðæt oþer com
isig: 33: isig ond utfus, æþelinges fær.
iu: 2459: gomen in geardum, swylce ðær iu wæron.
iumonna: 3052: iumonna gold galdre bewunden,