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Course Description

Academic Year 2025-2026 • Grade 11 and above • Science Sequence


Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructor: Christe McMenomy

Starts: August 31, 2025
Ends: May 29, 2026

Dates and times to be arranged with enrolled students.

Tuition: $750.00

Physics builds on concepts of matter, force, and energy acquired in junior high by introducing more advanced methods of mathematical, dimensional, and graphical analysis to explore the fundamentals of classical mechanics: force, energy, and momentum, and uses these to show how energy and momentum are conserved in linear, circular, and rotational motion, as well as systems in equilibrium. During spring semester, we will use similar tools and methods to explore electricity, magnetism, optics, relativity, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics.

REQUIRED LAB WORK: Students must design, plan, and carry out twelve labs for course credit.

This course is taught using the Scholars Online Chat software, which allows the teacher to embed graphics, mathematical equations, and movies in the chat session, with complete logging available for the entire year. Audio software is not used to allow students with limited internet access to participate fully, and to encourage precise thinking and writing skills.


SO Natural Science 1 and 2 or equivalent three-year junior high physical/life/earth science combination. Algebra covering the evaluation of functions and the quadratic equation and basic geometry must be completed prior to course. Trigonometry and precalculus math should be taken prior to enrollment or concurrently if trigonometry will be covered immediately.

Recommended background

Students should some aquaintance with the concepts of energy and motion, the forces of gravity, electricity, and magnetism.

Teacher's notes:

Attendance at two weekly sessions is required for all students. These sessions will cover textbook materials and homework assignments; some sessions will also include lab preparation and review. The Wednesday chat session is open for three hours; students may attend during the first 90 minutes or second 90 minutes to accommodate course conflicts.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

Physics: Principles with Applications [Edition or Version: 7], Authors: Donald C. Giancoli

ISBN: 0321869117

Publisher's website: Physics: Principles with Applications

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: You do not need to purchase Mastering Physics access to the publisher's site; all materials for the course will be available from Scholars Online's secure Moodle site.

Teacher's course Website: Physics: Principles with Applications

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