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Course Description

Summer 2024 • Grade 7 and above • Philosophy Sequence

For reference only; see current year course listing for course availability and details.

Plato’s Laches

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructors: Bruce McMenomy and Karl Oles

Starts: June 14, 2024
Ends: August 9, 2024

Friday 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET

Tuition: $250.00

There is more information at the teacher's course Website: Plato’s Laches

A close reading and discussion of Plato’s short and early dialogue Laches, which is an exploration of courage. We will also compare other materials — perhaps some of what Aristotle has to say about the same topic.



Recommended background

Some familiarity with careful reading and philosophical thought is useful, but the dialogue itself should provide sufficient material.

Teacher's notes:

This is one of a sequence of Plato classes developed by Mr. Karl Oles and Dr. Bruce McMenomy.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

Meno and Other Dialogues [Edition or Version: 1], Authors: Plato, Robin Waterfield

ISBN: 0199555664

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: Try to get this edition: it will eliminate pointless disagreements about wording. Waterfield’s translations and notes are solid.

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