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Course Description

Summer 2024 • Grade 4 and above • Literature Sequence

Treasure Island

Stevenson’s Treasure Island is one of the world’s best-known pieces of adventure fiction, but it is also a well-structured piece of literature that can teach and exemplify many of the basic ideas that go into literary analysis. A student who has some of these ideas planted early will come to other literary reading with a greater flexibility of mind and a small but useful vocabulary of analytical terms from which to branch out.

Course Website: Treasure Island

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructors: Bruce McMenomy and Alexandra Dascalu Nelson

Starts: June 14, 2024
Ends: August 9, 2024

Friday 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET

Tuition: $200.00


This is an entry-level course that should be accessible to anyone in the upper elementary grades. A really precocious third-grader could probably handle it.

Recommended background

A love of reading and exploration is all that’s required.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

Treasure Island , Authors: Robert Louis Stevenson

ISBN: 0140437681

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: The listed edition here is selected for general quality, but any complete (unabridged) version of the novel should be sufficient.

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