This Is Macbeth
2008: Greg Watkins
This quirky one-hour educational program is consistent with the later and somewhat better-developed This is Hamlet. It presents, clearly with the modern high school or college student in mind, an interview-show take on the story of Macbeth. Pieces of the play are interleaved with interview segments, in which the interviewer (under the name Ralph Holinshed, after the chronicler who was Shakespeare’s principal source for Macbeth and many of the history plays) asks probing questions of different characters, including Duncan, Macbeth, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth. It’s quite funny while still bringing some penetrating insight to the play. Parents and teachers should know that it does contain some vulgar and some blasphemous language.
Banquo: Liam Vincent
Doctor: Brian Herndon
Donalbain: Miles Osgood
First Witch: Joan Malkin
Gentlewoman: Megan Smith
Interviewer (Ralph Holinshed): Jeremy Sabol
King Duncan: Ken Ruta
Lady Macbeth: Allison Jean White
Lennox: Lance Gardner
Macbeth: Mark Anderson Phillips
Macduff: David Mendelsohn
Malcolm: Joe Rende
Messenger: Max McClure
Second Witch: Carrie Paff
Third Witch: Atosa Babaoff
Watch This is Macbeth on streaming video from Amazon