The Scottish Play (series)
2017: Weetus Cren
This is a six-episode comedy series based on a production of Macbeth at a small theater in Seattle. It is not to be confused with the 2021 movie of the same title. It is made up of six twenty-four to thirty-one-minute episodes.
It is focused chiefly on the personal dynamics of the cast and (unlike its namesake film of 2021) has relatively little serious to say about the play itself; it flirts with sexual shenanigans, alcohol abuse, and a lot with the vanity and pretensions of actors, want-to-be actors, and baristas; the prohibition against saying the name “Macbeth” in the theater is an overworked running gag by the end of the second episode. One gets the impression that the show runners were trying to reinvent Slings and Arrows for a more up-to-date audience, but more on a foundation of slapstick, and without the more costly investment in real characters with serious motivations. The results are somewhat predictable. Within a certain range, it is funny from time to time, though laced with crudity throughout; moreover, the story line doesn't really come to any particular conclusion by the end of the series. I get the impression that it was envisioned to be something bigger, but either the funding collapsed or it fell through for other reasons. It’s intermittently amusing, but as an educational experience pertaining to Shakespeare, I wouldn’t say it was worth anyone’s attention.
The program is rated "16+", which seems a fair assessment.
Actors: Dustin LaBrasseur, Jacob Crowe, James Pinto
Actresses: Dovey McLeod, Erica McAdams-Roth, Izabel Mar
Aengus McMurphy: Tony Herbert
Alice: Michelle Blackmon
Auditioner 1: Madeline Hunter
Auditioner 2: Danielle Robbins
Baristas: Carlee McManus, Ian Lerch
Becks: Meagan Karimi-Naser
Brian: Chris Labrum
Coffee shop patron: Kevin Newland Scott (uncredited)
Delivery Guy: Rik Deskin
Detective Matheson: Angela DiMarco
Dr. Bryant: Dedra D. Woods
Dude with Gun: Jesse Collver
Elizabeth: Leila Birch
Frank: David S. Hogan
Geoffrey: Matthew Gilbert
Gwen: Jasmine Wright
Hospital Operator: Jaime Gallagher
Immigration Officer: Gary Taylor
Macbeth auditioners: Don MacEllis, Matthew Rush, Joe Ptasnik, Zubi Mohammed, Trent Latta
Marcus: Steven Michael West
Mary: Victoria Jacobsen
Matilda: Stephanie Bursill
Michael: Steve Gallion
Nurse Bain: Toni Katano
Nurse: Emily Varnell
Officer Strom: Michael Magnussen
Richard: Phillip Keiman
Ross: David Stoker
Sidney: Lashon Watson
Strange Sales Lady: Anna Stone
Tabatha: Meaghan Davies
Talk Show Host: David Spates
Thatcher: Drew Barth
Tom: Weetus Cren
Waitress: Jennifer True
Wendy: Eryn Rea
Wendy's Dad: Michael Oaks
Zeta: Colleen Carey