College Preparatory Courses Online
We believe that our program provides rigorous background in the various fields of study, held together by a concern for the underlying structures of thought and expression — the dynamic relation of trivium and quadrivium envisioned by the architects of the original artes liberales. Our students regularly compete and place in national competitions, and go on to enter a range of selective and demanding schools (see list below). They often tell us that the online courses they took with us for high school credit were more demanding than courses they took in college, and they were well prepared for the challenges of their college education.
Recognitions and Awards
Scholars Online has been recognized by the homeschooling community as one of the best online schools available. We were voted first place honors four years running (2017-2020) by readers of Mary Pride's Practical Homeschooling magazine for our classical online school program at both the middle school and high school levels, and in particular for the best online Latin classes for homeschoolers, best history, science, and literature programs, and best classical education program.
National Examinations Performance
Over the years, we have had many students receive placement honors in National Latin, Greek, and language competitions. Here are some recent honors our students have won:

- In Classics:
- In 2012, 199 students nationally took the Homeric form of the National Greek exam. Of those, only six earned Highest Honors; of those, two were the two from Dr. McMenomy's Greek IV class who took the exam that year. One of those, Lucie Buisson, also won the National Greek Exam scholarship that year (renewable for four years).
- Students from the class of 2012 went on to win Classics Department awards at the University of Dallas and induction into Phi Beta Kappa.
- In 2016, students won Gold and Silver awards; this was Olivia Liu's fourth gold medal in four years.
- Over the last twenty years, three of DrMcM's students have competed in Amherst College's Harry de Forest Smith Greek scholarship competition. All three of them have been offered the prize (though not all have chosen to attend Amherst).
- In French:
- In 2016, four SO French students won silver, bronze, and honorable mention awards in the National French Contest.
Advanced Placement Test Achievements
We offer a number of college preparatory courses, including several designed to prepare students to take the College Board Advanced Placement examinations offered in May each year. Many of our students score well enough on the examination to receive advanced placement and even college credit for work done at in these courses.
Recognition and placement or credit awards based on AP examination performance vary from college to college, and sometimes even from department to department within a college or university, so be sure to check with the colleges of your choice to determine their AP recognition policies.
College Admissions
We work with those students applying to college, informally supplying some information on the selection of colleges and providing letters of recommendation for students who have completed sufficient work with us to allow us to evaluate their abilities. More formal support includes a Moodle forum for parents and students on choosing colleges, writing application essays, creating portfolios and transcripts, taking National Merit, SAT, AP, and CLEP examinations to gain recognition for academic work, and filling out FAFSA and CEEB financial aid forms.
College Acceptances for Scholars Online Students 2006 - 2025
Our alumni have amassed an impressive list of admissions, many accompanied by generous scholarship offers, from these colleges:
- American University (Honors)
- Amherst College
- Arizona State University
- Ave Maria University
- Baylor University
- Belhaven College
- Belmont Abbey College
- Benedictine College
- Boston University
- Butler University
- Calvin College
- Case Western Reserve University
- Catholic University of America (Honors)
- Christendom College
- Colby College
- Colgate University
- College of Charleston
- College of William and Mary
- College of Wooster
- Colorado College
- Cornell University
- Covenant College
- CUNY Lehman (Honors)
- Dartmouth College
- Emory College
- Fordham University
- Franciscan University at Steubenville
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- George Fox University
- George Washington University
- Georgetown University
- Grove City College
- Hamilton College
- Hampden-Sydney College
- Houghton College
- Hillsdale College
- Iona College (Honors)
- John Brown University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kenyon College
- Knox College
- Loyola College [Maryland] (Honors)
- Manhattan College
- Marymount Manhattan College
- Mercyhurst College
- Meredith College
- Miami University, Ohio
- Mount Saint Vincent (Honors)
- New College, Frankin
- New England Conservatory
- New Mexico State University
- New Saint Andrews College
- New York University
- Northwestern University
- Notre Dame
- Oklahoma Christian University
- Oklahoma City University
- Pepperdine University
- Princeton University
- Rice University
- Samford University
- Saint Anselm College
- Saint Joseph's University
- Saint Mary's College of California
- St. Olaf College
- Savannah College of Art and Design
- Seattle Pacific University
- Smith College
- Stanford University
- State University of New York, Potsdam
- State University of New York, Fredonia - Fredonia Award for Excellence
- Swarthmore College
- Syracuse University - Honors - Founders Scholarship
- Texas Christian University - Honors Program
- University of Alberta
- University of Calgary
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of California at San Diego
- University of Chicago
- University of Connecticut (Honors)
- University of Dallas
- University of Delaware
- University of Cincinnati - Honors
- University of Dublin, Trinity College (Ireland)
- University of Kansas at Lawrence (Honors)
- University of Georgia (Honors College)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Honors)
- University of Mary Washington
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Honors)
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
- University of New Mexico
- University of North Carolina, Greenboro
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Oklahoma, Honors Program
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Rochester
- University of South Florida
- University of Utah, Honors Program
- University of Virginia
- Utica College - Honors
- Virginia Tech
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Wake Forest University
- Washington and Lee University
- Wheaton College - Honors
- Whitworth College
- Wofford College
Scholars Online is fully accredited through the Middle States Accreditation Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.