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Course Description

Academic Year 2011-2012 • Grade 7 and above • Science Sequence

For reference only; see current year course listing for course availability and details.

Natural Science I

Natural Science is a unique course for junior high and early high school students, designed to provide the background and skills in earth, life, and physical sciences necessary for success in more intensive college-preparatory courses in biology, chemistry, and physics. The core concepts of modern science are presented in their social and historical context, rather than as abstract theories isolated from each other or their historical roots. We will encounter the basic principles underlying both the physical and life sciences, including atomic theory, chemical reactions, motion, energy, electricity and magnetism, classification of living things, ecology, evolution, and cellular biology, along with overviews of the sciences of geology, meteorology, astonomy, oceanography, zoology and botany as we move through the history of scientific ideas from the ancient world to our own time. Students will learn to apply and recognize the limitations and advantages of scientific methodology, experimental and observational methods, to use mathematical methods for data analysis, and to appreciate not only the interrelations between different areas of scientific knowledge, but how the methods of critical analysis of observations developed, and how social forces shaped modern science. The first year covers advances made during ancient, medieval, and Renaissance periods.

For more information on how this course fits into the Scholars Online Science Curriculum, please read the Science Curricum Design page.

This course is taught using the Scholars Online Chat software, which allows the teacher to embed graphics, mathematical equations, and movies in the chat session, with complete logging available for the entire year. Audio software is deliberately not used, as a means of enforcing students students to think clearly and write precisely. [Students with limited online bandwidth can also participate fully in the course.]

Course Website: Natural Science I

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructor: Christe McMenomy

Starts: September 6, 2011
Ends: May 29, 2012

Tuesday 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM ET

Tuition: $400.00


No prerequisites.

Recommended background

Junior high level courses in life, earth, and physical sciences are useful but not required. Students should have taken a survey course in world history or western civilization, or be taking one concurrently.

Teacher's notes:

Parents: please read the Procedures page at the teacher's website above, which describes the course in more detail.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

How to Study Science [Edition or Version: 4], Authors: Fred Drewes, Kristen L.D. Milligan

ISBN: 0072346930

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: This is a small, very good, but very overpriced book. Get it used if you can.

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