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Course Description
For more information on how this course fits into the Scholars Online Science Curriculum, please read the Science Curricum Design page.
This course is taught using the Scholars Online Chat software, which allows the teacher to embed graphics, mathematical equations, and movies in the chat session, with complete logging available for the entire year. Audio software is deliberately not used, as a means of enforcing students students to think clearly and write precisely. [Students with limited online bandwidth can also participate fully in the course.]
Course Website: Natural Science I
Instructor: Christe McMenomy
Starts: September 6, 2011
Ends: May 29, 2012
Tuesday 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM ET
Tuition: $400.00
No prerequisites.
Recommended background
Junior high level courses in life, earth, and physical sciences are useful but not required. Students should have taken a survey course in world history or western civilization, or be taking one concurrently.
Teacher's notes:
Parents: please read the Procedures page at the teacher's website above, which describes the course in more detail.
Textbooks and Materials
This item is required:
How to Study Science [Edition or Version: 4], Authors: Fred Drewes, Kristen L.D. MilliganISBN: 0072346930
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: This is a small, very good, but very overpriced book. Get it used if you can.
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