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Real Classical Education from a Virtual School
Teaching Children and Adults for Over a Quarter Century

Two-thirds of our faculty have masters degrees, law degrees, or doctoral degrees.


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“These folks are amazing. The depth of reading, historical background, and knowledge they possess and impart to their students lasts a lifetime. If you’re a homeschooling parent or considering it, Dr. M’s literature classes are truly college-preparatory.” ~ Rachel B.

“Thank you for being a great science teacher! You have given me a solid foundation for not only science but also the history of science, which in these days is a rare and invaluable perspective. Science in general has a lot more meaning when you know the history of it and can make all of the connections.” ~ Thomas P.

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Enrollment for 2025-2026 is now open

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“I took a number of courses from Scholars Online during high school, and I can honestly say that Dr Bruce McMenomy’s courses changed my life. He taught me to appreciate how texts can engage the deep questions of human experience, opening my mind to the possibility of exploring new worlds through literature. But he also taught me to think critically and to articulate myself through writing, both of which have foundational to my subsequent academic success. After graduation, I majored in English Literature at the University of Dallas, received a masters in theology at Harvard, and completed my doctorate in biblical studies at Oxford, and I now work as a postdoctoral researcher in Zurich studying literary approaches to the Bible. I can trace the roots of both my interests and my abilities directly to the skilful instruction and mentoring of Dr Bruce. Now I’m enrolling my own son in Scholars Online!” ~  Hans D

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